Vital Guidance to The Incredible Benefits of Juicing

We are all familiar with juice. We begin our mornings with orange juice or grapefruit juice. We give our children apple juice at snack time. And now manufacturers have offered us a variety of juice blends and juice cocktails to drink day or night.
And of course, we all know that juice is far healthier than soft drinks, sweet teas, creamy coffee, and alcohol. However, for those of us in search of an even healthier alternative, juicing is the key. Naturally derived vitamins and vital enzymes abound in fresh fruits and vegetables, and by juicing daily, you can significantly increase your vegetable and fruit intake.
According to the CDC, just 1 out of 10 people are getting the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. The federal guidelines recommend that adults eat 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruits and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. Consuming fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, some cancers, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
Joe Cross, from the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, states, “I believe that juicing is a great way to supercharge your body with the incredible nutrients found in whole plant foods – and the volume you’re able to take in when juicing is far more than you would be able to eat.” Joe lost nearly 100 pounds and healed his autoimmune disease by juicing across America.
So, What is Juicing?
Basically, juicing is the method of extracting juice from raw fruit and vegetables and drinking it. And the results are incredible for your health.
What are The Benefits of Juicing?
In this article, the focus is not on a 60-day body cleanse or a temporary diet. In this case, the emphasis is using juicing as a supplement to your daily diet, increasing the number of nutrients from fruits and vegetables that you otherwise wouldn’t get.
If you are interested in juicing to detox or cleanse your body for more than a few days, there are many books and articles available online for guidance.
Here are some of the incredible benefits of juicing to help you obtain a healthier lifestyle:
Juicing Ups Your Nutrient Intake
Juicing lets you absorb more nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Because of the fiber found in fruits and vegetables, consuming the recommended daily amount is difficult. By juicing, it is easier to incorporate them into your diet.
Two to three cups of fresh juice contain the same number of enzymes and vitamins as 14 apples, 2.5 pounds of carrots, and 9 pounds of spinach. Because the fiber is cut out, the body can focus more on the absorption of these vital vitamins and minerals.
Juicing Gives Your Digestive System a Break
Toxic foods and medications can impair the digestive systems ability to function at its best. It takes a lot of work to break them down. It is estimated that 65% of your body’s energy is used in the digestion process after eating. Possibly more if there are processed foods involved.
By juicing, you can give your digestive system a break so your body can heal and repair itself. Juicing is “pre-digested,” giving your system a much-needed rest. Drinking a phytonutrient dense juice allows pure nutrition into your digestive tract that your body can absorb rapidly.
It is Loaded with Antioxidants
Fruits and vegetables are packed of antioxidants that protect against disease. Antioxidants aid in preventing oxidation of molecules and fight against free radicals within the body which contribute to a range of diseases and illnesses. There are loads of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables that offer different benefits to different parts of your body.
Therefore, it’s vital to get a wide variety of these antioxidants in your diet. By juicing, you can combine several different types of fruits with vegetables to obtain a great combination of antioxidants.
Juicing Can Help You Lose Weight
As you juice, you will begin to feel better and have more energy. Juicing increases your metabolism while removing toxins from your cells. Having a glass of fresh juice as opposed to snacking on empty calories or right before a meal is a great way to reduce cravings while increasing your nutritional intake.
It Can Give You Better Skin
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with plant ingredients that can balance hormones, strengthen collagen, stimulate circulation, and reduce wrinkles. Vitamins A, C, and E are particularly beneficial for protecting your skin against harmful UV rays.
Juicing Can Improve Athletic Performance
The nitrates and potassium found naturally in fruits and vegetables can help your body recover after a workout, helping repair damaged tissue faster. Other nutrients such as vitamin A, C, and E, and minerals such magnesium play a role in maintaining the immune system, easy muscle contraction, and increasing strength. They destroy free radicals that can increase the destruction of healthy tissues and muscle cells, thus decreasing the athlete’s performance, strength, and endurance.
Juicing before and after allows the body to absorb vital nutrients and minerals needed to maintain or increase overall athletic performance.
Final Thought:
Juicing is a wonderful complement to living a healthy lifestyle. It should not be considered a diet or long-term detox but should be incorporated into your daily or weekly diet. It is about adding more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based ingredients, so you look and feel your very best.