
2024 Premier Players of Soccer Champions Collegiate FC wearing jerseys sponsored by Mobley Homes.  Zachariah Brewer, holding the trophy, put together the team of Ayden Aschi, Emiliano Gimenez, Cash Coppins, Charlie Brewer, Annabelle Fait, Paiyton Carlton, Steven Ramirez, Ashton Ashchi, Gavin Berg, Alexandria Durniak, Gabriel Medina to win the annual tournament that helps orphaned, foster, special needs, and at-risk kids participate in sports.

2023 Premier Players of Soccer Champions Love Is Ministry: Coach Jake Collins (Back row, second from right), Luke Heard, Beltra Mukevry, Cade Cantrell, Jerome Twite, Tajae Horne, Oliver Sadiki, John Fores, John Forbes, Shafick Matata, Guytano Paolino, Krista Paolino, and Rachel Allen. Also pictured is Carnell Moore, far right, founder of the Premier Players Sports Foundation that raises funds to help orphaned, foster, special needs, and at-risk youth participate in community sports leagues and other causes across the US and abroad.

2022 Premier Players of Soccer Champions Love Is Ministry:  Coach Jake Collins (left),  Tajae Horne, Yiannis Laliotis, Oliver Sadiki, John Fores, John Forbes, Dieunaldo Cherisca, Shafick Matata, Chad Klakring, Cade Cantrel, Luke Heard, Terri DeMalteris, and Becca Allen.  Special “Thank You” to Robert Yahney for sponsoring this year’s award for our tournament, which raises funds to help orphaned, foster, special needs, and at-risk children participate in community sports.

2021 Premier Players of Soccer Champions Vickery United of Love Is Ministry:  Coach Jake Collins, John Forbes, Reynolds Rodon, Jerome Twite, Beltra Mukeveri, Dieunaldo Cherisca, Oliver Sadiki, Cade Cantrell, Seth Bos, Jean Claude Mubasi, Terri DeMalteris, and Natalie Smith.

2020 Live Like Lori Soccer Champs sponsored by Mobley Homes: Captain Stewart Skipper, Rich Francis, Mahmoud Odeh, Francisco Aristeguieta, Daniel Zguro, Tony Rosado, Jeannette Dyer Rosado, Brittney Everdeen, Conner Treglia, Jonathan Skipper, Jared Greenbaum, and Memou Echeverri.

Soccer Champs

2019 Soccer Champs Team Mobley Homes: Captain Stewart Skipper, Ally Larese, Mahmoud Odeh, Josh Mitchell, Tony Rosado, Scotty Hines, Alyssa Hines, Fernando Gonzalez, Justin Tuggle, Jacob Maynard. Memou Echeverri, and Cristian Gonzalez.

Team Chronister with border

2018 Winner of the inaugural Premier Players of Soccer Tournament Team Chronister: Captain Tim Harris, Amanda Tabor, Josh Finklea, Justin Metzger, Brad Birberick, Andres Jimero, Levi Wild, Philip Whitten, Nathan Shefcyk, James Sikes, and Tori Hale.

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